
What type of people get coached?


Those from all walks of life come to be coached - parents, CEOs, artists, shop assistants, doctors, lawyers, students, executives, managers, musicians...you name it and we guarantee people from almost all professions and backgrounds have experienced the benefits of coaching. The common denominators tend to be wanting more from life, they're willing to take ownership and responsibility for change/action, and are open to new ideas..."do what you've always done and you will get what you've always got".


How much is coaching worth?


This is very much down to the individual. The way we choose to view it is by benchmarking against other things you buy in your life. How much did you spend on holidays last year? On electronics? On socialising? On lawyers, estate agents, doctors, heating engineers when things go wrong? Etc etc. All of these things are in some way bought to make us feel better or fix something.

Now how much do you think it's worth to achieve the goals you've always wanted to? How much is it worth to be happier? More confident? Increase belief and self worth? Have a greater sense of achievement and satisfaction? Have greater motivation in life? Posses higher levels of positivity? Feel more balanced? Look back on your life and think to yourself "I really made the most of it"? To love life in a beautiful state?

Suddenly the mindset shifts from "this additional expense" to "I'm investing in myself and my future". What is all of this worth to you?


How much does the Peak Performance & Wellbeing Coaching™️ cost?


We offer very competitive rates and our clients would agree (please see testimonials page) that it was a worthwhile investment. We don't like to be so crass as to put our rates online as we prefer to hear your situation first and discuss one to one how you personally stand to receive and benefit from embarking on the coaching journey - we honestly believe it's better this way and then you can decide if Dan being your coach is the right path forward.

It also gives Dan the opportunity to decide if the client is a good fit for him and his style - there are many types of people that he connects amazingly well with thus our relationships are very fruitful, but there are certain types of personality that would be better suited to another coach.


How many sessions? How frequent? How long?


Dan coaches new clients for a minimum of 12 sessions with sessions being fortnightly to build momentum and create new strong rituals, habits and mental constructs.

Sessions last for 60 minutes each. It's important to know that Dan will also be aware of your progress and if he feels that you are no longer benefiting from sessions, he will bring this to your attention and ask you if you're interests perhaps would be better served by moving on to work with another professional.


Where do we host our sessions? What will I need?


We offer Skype and telephone coaching (face to face is also available though this is a premium services as travel and time is chargeable). During the session your location just needs to be free from distractions and comfy, so you can focus but feel relaxed too.

Lots of note taking is encouraged throughout the sessions so please have a pen and some paper, or your laptop/tablet to hand.


Am I too busy?


Using the rocking chair test is very useful to help you break through this type of thinking.

Fast forward to when you're 90 years old in your rocking chair looking back on your life. How does it look or feel? Are there things you majorly wish you'd done differently or things missing you wished were there?

If so, do you feel that you wished you'd made the time to invest in yourself and get your life on the path you desire? Knowing this, how much do you now want to make the time to invest in yourself?


I'm scared or ashamed to work with a coach, what should I do?


You can rest assured that a friendly person is waiting at the other end of the phone who is ready to support, encourage and motivate you to achieve the things most important to you in your life.

All our communication is 100% confidential, you will never be judged for what is said, are empathetic to your situations and we're genuinely rooting for you to succeed. We're completely aware that the people around us that we care for and respect (friends/family/teachers/colleagues etc) have an impact on our actions via their judgements (regardless of whether these judgements are intended to protect us or are for more selfish reasons).

Dan will help you to manage these judgements and to overcome them so they do not hinder you anymore. As Dan will tell you, when he went through his coaching studies and began telling people about his endeavours to create his own businesses, some people were blown away and were very supportive, some were not - so he knows exactly what it's like to go through these feelings and this experience will help you too.


What is expected from me as the client?


As with anything in life, the more you put in, the more you'll get out.

At the core, we expect you to be committed to the process, answering questions with honesty, following through with set action points and to engage with Dan as much as possible.

We want you to want to move forward in life and be committed to doing so. Our company mission is to really see people absolutely thrive, thus if you do not feel this way you’ll be wasting both our time.
This is not meant in a rude way, but rather just us saying we want to help others and if you're not going to commit and take things seriously, then Dan's time will be better used working with other people, not to mention saving your time and money too.


Do I need to do anything outside of the sessions?


Absolutely. As we said before, the more you put in, the more you'll get out.

You will leave every sessions with set goals to work on, with the aim of getting them complete by the next session. This will be both for your inner world mindset related work as well as your external world deliverables too...and you should be fully committed to completing them. Building new empowering habits and rituals is crucial to success.


What can hold people back?


There are many reasons why people do not set goals or do not achieve goals - do any of these ring a bell for you personally...?

* Information problems - not knowing what to do.
* Execution problems - not doing what you know.
* Not truly knowing "why" you want something. 80% of achieving most goals is about the "why", with only 20% related to the "how".
* Fear of success,
* Fear of failure,
* Fear of judgement.
* De-motivation.
* Goals out of alignment with values (internal conflict leads to inaction).
* Not realising how important and powerful goal setting is. * Trying to achieve a goal that's not yours (i.e. what someone else thinks you should be doing).
* Limiting beliefs! "I can't", "I shouldn't", "I'm too old", "I'm not creative", "It's too hard", "I've tried everything", "I don't deserve" etc.
* These beliefs are almost always never formed on real facts/evidence or the evidence is extremely out of date, thus they are simply the rules and restrictions we've built up in our own minds.
* Procrastination.
* Other peoples negativity.
* Trying to stay within your comfort zone.
* Uncertain of what you want.
* Don't know where to start.
* "Not enough time".
* Previous disappointments.
* Laziness.
* Goal seems too big/too far away.

Coaching enables us to smash through these sticking points.


Coaching - what is it?


Getting from where you are to where you want to be, faster than if you worked alone. This is nice as it's short, snappy and gets a big part of the message across - but there is another piece of the pie that is very important too...it's also about what you learn about yourself throughout the journey.

Whilst coaching is still a fairly new concept in the UK, it is growing rapidly after the discipline saw huge success in US and Australia...the phenomenal demand seen around the word today is expected to continue expanding. Coaching has a proven record in identifying the type of life you want, raising awareness around your situation (of what's important, skills, resources, potential challenges/obstacles, driving values and beliefs (both those which empower you and those which may hold you back)) and putting together a practical game plan to ensure continued progression towards achieving your desired outcome. Over 90% of people spend more time planning a summer holiday than they do their lives...are you ready to invest time in you!?

* A special relationship between a professionally trained coach and a client.
* Coaches help people from all walks of life and each relationship is unique. In every case, the outcome is that each client is more focused on their objectives and achieves these faster than if they worked alone.
* Coaches work with clients around their desire to move forward in their lives and achieve goals/ambitions.
* A coach will encourage and support the client as they identify what it is they want - raising the clients AWARENESS of their own lives, skills, beliefs, values, and ensure RESPONSIBILITY of action points sits with the client which is very empowering.
* Sessions are concerned with the whole client and will work towards a specific goal.
* The client is the only expert who can recognise what is absolutely best for them. Coaches are experts in the coaching process.
* As a coach, I help you discover what your own personal "best“ in any given area might be and then to achieve it.
* Relationship will empower the client to take their own course of action.
* Non judgemental, non-critical and not advice giving.
* Challenge the client around their beliefs and helping them move past them so no longer feel held back.
* Focus on here and now to improve future possibilities – NOT perceived past failures!
* There are no wrong answers in coaching, just the client’s own, honest reflections.
* Every day we make choices to do or not do many things. These choices may range from profound to trivial and each one has an effect that makes our lives more fulfilling or less fulfilling, more balanced or less balanced.
* Life coaching helps you learn how to make choices that create an effective, balanced and fulfilling life.

*A magical remedy to issues/problems/goals - it requires commitment and action from the client.


Coaching - general benefits


For specific benefits, please check out the "What We Do" pages which go into much more detail on the transformation that people get from coaching. However we've written some very general benefits below for you to read too.

* Helping you to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
* Got that “I’m stuck” feeling?! I can help you find clarity, purpose and focus.
* Achievement of a specific goal you have but are finding it difficult, feel lost or de-motivated.
* Help to change those limiting beliefs that can hold us back (I can’t, won’t, I shouldn’t etc).
* Feel like you’re life is out of balance? Coaching can help you analyse your life and appreciate where you need to be spending more time and energy.
* Increased sense of worth, belief and happiness.
* Developing greater self awareness, confidence and motivation.
* Encourages clients to think differently, have a more positive outlook and to become goal/solution orientated.
* Providing the opportunity and space to speak their mind, reflect, clarify and be truly listened to…not just heard.* Prioritisation of the things most important to the individual – by ensuring the client is aware of their true values, this helps them to focus on the goals that matter…thus maximising performance and success.
* Raises awareness of skills clients have exhibited and help them to utilise them in other areas of life they had previously never considered (or never realised they even had).
* Brings greater clarity to complex situations, whilst helping clients to think things through and keep on track towards their desired goals.
* By encouraging and supporting the client to generate their own solutions to their goals, not only is this empowering but are also more likely to commit and follow through with actions plans.
* Methods assist with positive behavioural change that is a benefit that lasts beyond the end of the coaching contract.
* Improved performance in your area of focus will also spill over into other areas of your life.
* Ongoing support and encouragement - this is not just during the sessions like many coaches offer...I am available to answer questions and keep you on track and motivated between sessions too.
* Time and space to speak unconditionally and to not be judged.

Contact support

Ask us any question, anytime. We're here to make your experience as easy and enjoyable as possible.


Love your experience? Please tell others (and us). If we can do better, we definitely want to hear from you so we can fix it.